If you have landed on this page, you have just enrolled in a course or ordered a spiritual reading from me. I will get back to you very soon with the course material or information about the reading you have selected.

A spiritual course or reading is an invitation for you to expand into greater awareness of your divinity.

My courses teach you how to live as the I AM, neutrally and impersonally living life divinely fulfilled and acknowledged without barriers, constraints or fear. You will come to know yourself as the divine being you are without attachment to how much the being you are must do to recognize your natural, divine essence.

Art of Creation as Self

Readings are not “psychic” readings, which arise from within the astral plane where the thought forms and desires of humanity reside. My readings emerge from within You as guided by You. I do not retain the memory of the reading after recording it. The frequency within which I read is pure, aligned with the Source consciousness of the Divine Cosmic Mind. The messages transmitted may not fit into a present belief system. Source does not use a system of belief within which to operate. Source simply IS and That Is All that is necessary. Your spiritual message is transmitted from within your Divine Awareness as Source.

The scope of potential in I AM

“So very intimately did you relay my deepest longing and my truest path. Your reading touched me to the very core of my being. I have listened over and over again just to take it all in. I feel it would have taken me the rest of my life to just have a glimpse of what you allowed me to become aware of from my reading. Never before have I found My Truth in so many ways perfectly reflected in someone else’s. Thank you for offering such a reading and rendering the receiver with such insight and undefined potential for personal change.” Calvin Merritt